The first time... (6x) #1
'The first time....'. For De Volkskrant in the summer of 2024, 6 times an illustration for a column about books you can read in the summer you do … for the first time by Charlotte Remarque. For the first time an office job, a car, love, holidays, sport and cooking. The bookpaper refers to the books. For detail lovers, in three out of six illustrations, the text of the book matches the illustration perfectly.
The e-value instead of the p-value
use to determine whether a sample outcome is statistically significant. Now the p-value gets competition from the e-value. I had fun making this one, I really enjoy making paper letters (fonds) and tearing them, lucky me!
Brain damage after cardiac arrest
Once again, an illustration for De Volkskrant. This time accompanying an article on better insight into the recovery chances of brain damage after cardiac arrest. A brain made of heartbeatpaper: game on!
A postcard made with lots of love for @Yogamine. And what a nice idea of hers to send this card to all the ladies, who did pregnancy yoga and had a baby. In addition to the card, I put the real paper version of it in a pretty frame so it can shine in her yoga studio.
Bumpy love life
For anyone with a bumpy love life. Happy Valentines Day!
De Volkskrant 'De potvis moest wijken voor de zeehond'
Whether I wanted to make an illustration for an article on 'De Canon' of Dutch Nature for De Volkskrant. Fifty 'characteristic' species of animals, plants and phenomena that everyone should know and that say something about this country, its inhabitants and culture. Dick de Vos the writer of 'de canon' made a selection. A selection from this selection is in the illustration and all that on a book about mosses, how appropriate. Wondering how it is made, have a look below.
Festival Poster
The second prize in the poster competition for the festival Ambacht in beeld. The jury praised the creativity and playing with the form. Together with the wonderful paper adventurer Rianne van Duin, we freely depicted the festival. By incorporating the different layers of paper in the hand we give a peek into the wonderful world of crafts with our own craft. And as for the collaboration I can’t wait for the next one!
Early Alzheimer's
I recently took the conceptual illustration course from Aad Goudappel. Highly recommended. One of the assignments was an illustration for an article about Early Alzheimers. Very happy to show you the result ....
Heart and Soul
A handmade paperillustration for the Dutch Lawyer magazine (Advocatenblad) about a lawyer's professional distance from his client. What if a case touches you emotionally? How do you maintain the necessary distance? For the simplicity and power of the image, I imagined thinking like Noma Bar (I'm a big fan of his work) for inspiration.
Four illustrations for the magazine ‘Present’ by Paagman bookstore in The Hague, accompanying an article about #BookTok. The hashtag used by millions of young people to share book recommendations on TikTok. Chat GPT has the following lovely thing to say ;-): This unique illustration has been handcrafted by a talented artist, who meticulously worked on every detail with great care and attention. The use of paper as a medium adds an extra dimension to the artwork, giving it a tactile and organic feel.
The hashtag used by millions of young people to share book recommendations on TikTok. Chat GPT has the following to say ;-): This unique illustration has been handcrafted by a talented artist, who meticulously worked on every detail with great care and attention. The use of paper as a medium adds an extra dimension to the artwork, giving it a tactile and organic feel.
Acces to justice
Brutal violence prevents acces to justice. After the murder on a Dutch barrister Derk Wiersum on 18th September 2019, a trial was behind closed doors.
NWO Research
For the NWO's Dutch magazine 'Onderzoek', I was asked to create 6 illustrations for an issue on the NWO's funding system. What a feast to make. A delightful assignment: illustration 6.
De Volkskrant 'AI cracks big biological riddle'
The article 'AI cracks big biological riddle' (in dutch: AI kraakt groot biologisch raadsel), with terms like bio-origamy and protein folding fit my alter ego Papernerd perfectly.
Hello James!
A handmade paper illustration for the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant. So cool to see it printed full page.
Paper boats for 'Stichting de Noordzee'
Props for a film for 'Stichting de Noordzee' by Hustle Creatives. The message? Stop using scrubbers - machines that 'clean' sulfur from polluting exhaust gases - on cargo ships and cruise ships. I designed the cargo ships, the cruise ships, and the fish, which were then animated in the film by Hustle Creatives below. A cool assignment, first designing the boats, choosing colors, and then putting everything together. Love it!
NWO Research
For the NWO's Dutch magazine 'Onderzoek', I was asked to create 6 illustrations for an issue on the NWO's funding system. What a feast to make. A delightful assignment: illustration 5.
NWO Research
For the NWO's Dutch magazine 'Onderzoek', I was asked to create 6 illustrations for an issue on the NWO's funding system. What a feast to make. A delightful assignment: illustration 3 en 4.
NWO Research
For the NWO's Dutch magazine 'Onderzoek', I was asked to create 6 illustrations for an issue on the NWO's funding system. What a feast to make. A delightful assignment: illustration 2.
NWO Research
For the NWO's Dutch magazine 'Onderzoek', I was asked to create 6 illustrations for an issue on the NWO's funding system. What a feast to make. A delightful assignment: illustration 1.
De Volkskrant 'The darkside of TikTok'
Sooo popular.... and yet, what are the darksides of TikTok? Illustrations made from paper accompanying an article on the dark sides of TikTok. Addiction, security of recorded data and disinformation it's all in the illustrations. Thanks to the Volkskrant for the assignment.
Eigen Huis Magazin 'Help, the interest rate is rising…
Inflation and mortgage rates are reaching values we haven't seen in years. I created this paper illustration to accompany this article. The balancing act was a challenge, no hidden strings this time ;-)
Acces Denied
In De Volkskrant, a Dutch national newspaper, this paper made illustration for an article on how Facebook denies acces to their data.
Online DNA-test voor de Volkskrant
And another assignment from de Volkskrant about online DNA-tests. How cool to make this illustration, figuring out the DNA-streng and to see it published full page!
Vote Green
Think Green
With the upcoming elections (17the March 2021) wouldn’t it be nice when the whole country would think green!
Quiet moments
Booklover as I am I can long for a scenery like this especially after a hectic day or week. After I made this, Uitgeverij Paris chose this image to wish the people they work with happy holidays.
‘Accept all cookies’ de Volkskrant
De Volkskrant asked me to make a paper illustration on a subject you deal with everyday, Cookies. I gladly excepted of course and was honoured they asked me! And boy am I proud of the result! Scroll down for the making of.
A typically Dutch courtroom with room for the judges, the public prosecutor, the registrar, the defendant, the lawyer and the public, not forgetting King Willem Alexander. To give you an idea of the size the portrait of King Willem Alexander is 6x9 cm.
Go to work or not?
In the beginning of March 2020 I came back from a very nice holiday, in the mountains, lots of snow and snow fun. Nothing to worry about, you'd say, but.... we were in Northern Italy. Three days after we were there the news and conversation about the coronavirus started.
Vertical Forest
Thursday 26th of August 2019, the hottest day ever in The Netherlands 40,7 °C (104 °F). The earth is warming up and that's no secret anymore. Especially in cities there will be a problem if it goes on like this, therefore people need to create more green areas and less concrete. Verticale forrest is one option... inspired by the heat a new paper made illustration.
Wind turbines or windmills always attract my attention. They stand proudly, are extremely photogenic, provide a beautiful skyline, look so powerful and not to forget they produce clean power. Realizing not all people are this fond of windmills which I can understand if they are placed in your backyard….
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