Brain beetles
My ten year old son volunteered to participate in a study from Utrecht University and they send us an MRI-scan from his brain. I couldn’t resist and made 2 beetles from his scan. Months later a very good friend told me she was going to be professor ‘Brain development and Psychopathology’ … you guess where these beetles are now ;-)

Geisha beetle
This geisha beetle is one of the first beetles with a print on them. I thought the postcard would fit this stag beetle perfect. I wasn't the only one who liked it. It was sold during an exhibition to a very lovely lady.

Meat beetles
Eating insects - I recently learned - is called Entomophagy. In Europe it is not very common to eat insects and from experience I know it is a bit strange to eat these crawling creatures, they tasted good I must say. Since eating them might be a solution to environmental problems caused by livestock production I would say give it a try….

Kafka beetles
The first person ever to be ‘embeetled’* by me was my brother in law. When I was embeetling him I knew the next person to be embeetled was Kafka. I read ‘Metamorphosis’ again and ‘The trial’ and was impressed again, what struck me the most was how timeless his books are. * I’m really proud of this verb I invented in September 2017.

Madonna beetles